S3 E6: AI, ChatGPT, and You - A Conversation with Amy Yamada

Love it or hate it, it’s here and it’s going to change your life in ways you cannot imagine.  What’s that, you ask?  

I’m talking about Artificial Intelligence and more specifically, ChatGPT, a revolutionary tool that may at first scare you, but once you know how to use it, you’ll wonder how you lived without it. 

Like the cell phone, internet, email, GPS and long before that TV, ChatGPT is a disruptor technology that is quickly emerging as a major game changer for content creators, coaches, students pretty much anyone who communicates for a living.  

Yes, it’s controversial and yes, there are caveats to its use.  And since it’s such a new technology, it is quickly morphing and evolving.  

Tune in as my guest this week, Amy Yamada brings us up to speed on how to teach ChatGPT to not only speak like you, but also streamline much of the busy work you’ve previously spent hours to complete. 

Amy is a business coach that empowers established online coaches to create irresistible messaging and high ticket offers such as group coaching programs, VIP Days, and destination retreats.  

With over 22 years of experience in marketing, sales and business development, Amy as a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help coaches grow their businesses in an authentic, aligned way.  Through her compassionate, inspiring approach, Amy helps her clients build belief in themselves, their communication style and their businesses, resulting in increased sales conversions and revenue growth. 

Amy and her partner, Ken Droz are emerging experts on how to leverage ChatGPT for online coaches.  With their help, coaches can scale their businesses to multiple six and seven figures without burnout and create the impact and lifestyle they desire.  

Join us as we explore Amy’s unique approach to teaching how to best leverage this revolutionary tool.  Her signature approach, The Heart Speech Model is unlike any other approach in this rapidly developing field.  Amy takes us through a demonstration how this model works.  

You don’t want to miss it! 

Learn more about Amy’s coaching programs and other offerings at:

Website:  www.amyyamada.com

Guidebook: The Ultimate Guide To ChatCPT For Online Coaches    (available on the website)


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Many blessings,


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