S3 E10: Ya Gotta Have Grit, But Know When To Quit

How much grit do you have? 

Have you ever wondered if you’ve stayed with something too long, but just couldn’t bring yourself to quit? Have you ever felt like you had to keep going, even though you long ago lost interest, or became exhausted, or your health was in jeopardy?  But you kept going anyway?

This week we’re taking on the subject of grit, brought forward into public awareness by American psychologist, Angela Duckworth and her research on the topic.  

Her research shows that grit is more predictive of success and achievement than intelligence or natural ability.  It also suggests that people with higher levels of grit are happier and more satisfied with their lives.  

I’m not so sure about this, so this week, I’m discussing another part of the grit equation that Duckworth’s research doesn’t address.  And that is the idea that there is a downside to having too much grit and there is value in knowing when to quit. 

Quit is not a term we like to use.  We’re taught never to quit, never give up, keep forging on, even sometimes to our own detriment.  So let’s reframe the word “quit” and consider an alternative term. 

We’ll hear some shares from members of the Living in The New Beyond Facebook group on the prices they’ve paid for not knowing when to quit and we’ll also consider the importance of teaching our children how to develop grit.  

Join us as we consider both sides of the equation.  How important is grit in our lives today and what are the prices we pay for not knowing when to take our foot off the gas and take a pause?  

Consider joining our private Facebook group.  Become a member of The Beyond Squad!  Take the Grit Quiz and find out just how gritty you actually are.  

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Link for the Grit survey. https://angeladuckworth.com/grit-scale/

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Lastly, thank you dear listeners, for sharing, reviewing and following us on Apple, Spotify and other podcast providers.  It makes a significant difference, and I am so appreciative of your support!

Many blessings,
