3-21 From Burnout to Boldness- Alex Lianne Carter

Have you ever worked hard to achieve your goals or get to where you thought you wanted to be and then having gotten there you felt burned out and knew you couldn’t sustain this level of performance?

And maybe you kept going anyway because you needed to prove that you were capable and not a quitter.

That’s how my guest, Alex Lianne Carter, felt as she reached what she thought was the peak of her career as the Director of Technology and Innovation for an independent school system.

She’d worked hard to get where she was and when burn out happened, she overrode her inner guidance to slow down, and regroup. She kept going until her body wouldn’t co-operate any longer and she had a physical collapse that sidelined her for six months.

Join us as Alex shares how her burn out experience inspired her to become a Performance-Neuro Coach and begin working to help female executives and leaders optimize their performance and learn how to neuro-hack their way to success.

Alex’s full bio and contact information are available in the podcast show notes.

Listen to 3-21 From Burnout to Boldness- Alex Lianne Carter

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