S3 E16 Learning to Love the Unlovable

How do we be with the parts of ourselves we find least loveable?

You know which qualities I’m talking about. They’re the ones that seem to rear their ugly heads when you least expect it and they sabotage your relationships with others and most of all, with yourself.

Those pesky traits like being too controlling, too loud, too much, too shy, too fearful, too anxious, untrusting, lacking confidence, etc.

You seem to have no control over them and try as you might, you just can’t get rid of them. Well, guess what? You don’t need to get rid of them!

BUT if you want to have your life work, you do need to learn how to be with them in an empowering way. And THAT is what we’re taking on in this week’s episode.

How do we find the courage to open to, and accept, all of what we are, even these most unlovable qualities?

How do we acquire the confidence to live with that kind of openness and be present to whatever coming up in the moment, just as it is, with clarity and kindness?

How do we let life, with all of its disappointments and sorrows soften our heart?

How can we avoid spiritual bypassing, look at ourselves head on, and do the inner work necessary to discover who we truly are, even with all of these undesirable qualities that reside in us?

Join us as we dive into this territory you might have been avoiding your entire life and discover what’s possible when you do.

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Many blessings,
